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Welcome to Transfer Resources. 十大网赌软件推荐 Transfer Resources
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Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why should I begin my college education at 十大网赌软件推荐?

    十大网赌软件推荐 is a great place to begin your college education!

    • class sizes tend to be small and the campus environment personable
    • professors are more accessible than in freshman/sophomore classes at a university
    • Costs are lower than four-year colleges and universities
    • We have Guaranteed Admissions Agreements w/ more than 20 Virginia colleges
    • You can obtain the first half of your bachelor's degree (freshman/sophomore general education courses) at 十大网赌软件推荐, & then transfer to a four-year college
  2. Why should I complete my degree before I transfer?

    Many schools give admission preference to students who have completed their transfer Associate Degrees. In many cases, if you have a transfer Associate Degree, you will enter with junior standing and general education requirements will be waived. Also you may be eligible for the "Two-Year Transfer Grant Program." See the Two Year College Grant Factsheet.

  3. If I only plan to stay at 十大网赌软件推荐 for one year what courses should I take?

    6 cr. - Eng 111 & 112

    6 cr. - transferable math (required for the major you plan to study when you transfer)

    8 cr. - Natural science w/lab (many colleges want one year of one science)

    10 cr. - Transferable social sciences, humanities, or other transferable electives

    Most four year institutions do not require the SAT if students take the necessary college coursework for transfer and maintain a competitive GPA while at 十大网赌软件推荐. We recommend that you meet with an Academic Advisor at 十大网赌软件推荐 and/or with an Admissions Counselor at the four-year college where you plan to transfer before registering for classes.

  4. Will all 十大网赌软件推荐 courses transfer?

    Yes in most cases, but there are some exceptions and here's why:

    1. Developmental courses (pre-college level) will not transfer and also will not count for a 十大网赌软件推荐 degree.
    2. Some courses (especially occupational/technical courses) are not designed to transfer.
    3. Grades below "C" generally do not transfer.

    We recommend you meet with an Academic Advisor at 十大网赌软件推荐 and/or the college to which you plan to transfer before registering for classes.

  5. When do I apply to transfer?

    To begin fall enrollment at a four-year school, the application deadline is generally the middle of the spring term. The most common deadline date for Virginia schools is March 1 for fall admissions; however Virginia Tech's admission's deadline is February 15. Admission committees will review your coursework through the last semester you have completed prior to your application.

  6. Is it a problem if I get accepted at a four-year school for the fall and my spring grades are REALLY bad?

    YES. Schools can withdraw their offer of admission if you do not continue to earn appropriate grades before you enroll at their institution.

  7. When should I begin thinking about transferring?

    NOW! If you wait too long you may miss deadlines and not take appropriate courses. It is NEVER too early to begin the transfer process. If you have questions about transferring, meet with an 十大网赌软件推荐 Academic Advisor or your Faculty Advisor. Successful transfer to a four-year school is your responsibility. Utilize 十大网赌软件推荐 and four-year school resources to gather information, but YOU must seek out the information and follow through appropriately.

  8. What are Articulation and Guaranteed Admission Agreements?

    Guaranteed Admission or Articulation Agreements are special programs developed by the Virginia Community College System and four-year colleges and universities that enable students to take advantage of some unique benefits. It is important to carefully read the agreement for the four year institution to which you plan to transfer.

    For a list of participating colleges and program requirements, visit the VCCS Transfer Agreements link.

  9. Where can I get more general information on the transfer process?

    More General Information on the Transfer Process »

Advising Center Contact Information

If you would like to speak with an Academic Advisor, call the Advising Center at (540) 674-3609.

Advising Center Staff

Call (540) 674-3600 or toll-free 1-866-462-6722, then you will be prompted to add the extension number to reach any employee.

Emily Armstrong


Student Services Advisor

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Grace Bocchino


Fast Forward / G3 Career Coach

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John Bowler


Advisor, Disability and Student Services, Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students

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Kimberly Brewer



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Mark Hanks


Student Resource Specialist

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Carrie Hodge


Enrollment Coach

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Dani Hood


Student Welcome Center Operator

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Gwen Houston


Student Success Coordinator

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Lucy Howlett


Disability Services Coordinator

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Jeremy Jones


Student Services Advisor

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Deborah Kennedy


Dean of Student Services, Title IX Coordinator for Students

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Bridget Meneghini


Student Services Advisor

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Brennen O'Neill


Student Services Advisor

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Frances Scartelli


Student Services Advisor

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Stephanie Shinn


Enrollment Coach/Navigator

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Jennie Simmons


Student Services Advisor

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Alison Weston


Enrollment Management and Transfer Services Coordinator

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Rebecca Whitener


Student Services Advisor

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十大网赌软件推荐 IN DUBLIN:

  •  5251 College Drive
  •  Dublin, VA 24084
  •  (540) 674-3600
  •  Toll Free: 866-462-6722
  •  Fax: (540) 674-3602
  •  Directions


  •  782 New River Road NW, Suite 400
  •  Christiansburg, VA 24073
  •  (540) 674-3610
  •  Fax: (540) 381-7128
  •  Directions
  •  More...

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