
透过各种活动、活动及表演,推广艺术知识. To involve the entire 十大网赌软件推荐 community in the immersion and enjoyment of theatre, 艺术, 音乐, dance, and architecture.







电子邮件: tparks@best-lasix.com


三名幸运的十大网赌软件推荐教师和临时校长Charlie White将在派日“颁奖”! 美术俱乐部和艺术组织卡帕派(Kappa Pi)发起的罐头食品募捐活动变成了一场比赛,由大卫·菲勒(David Filer)三人组成, Bill Friedl and Wes Adcock. Over 1,100 cans were collected and will be distributed in 十大网赌软件推荐’s service region.



New River Community College 美术俱乐部 will be the official name. Hereafter in the constitution it shall be abbreviated as 十大网赌软件推荐 美术俱乐部.

Section 2: Purpose/Mission

十大网赌软件推荐美术俱乐部的使命是通过各种活动推广美术知识, 事件, 和表演. We seek to involve the entire 十大网赌软件推荐 community in immersion and enjoyment of theatre, 艺术, 音乐, 舞蹈和建筑既是娱乐的载体也是教育的载体. 活动, 事件, 和表演 of the club include, 但不限于, conducting and hosting workshops, 为十大网赌软件推荐社区和周边服务区制作学生指导的表演, sharing and building portfolios, 参加表演 , 音乐会, 演出, 参观画廊, 参加节日活动,赞助专业人士来学校谈论美术事业.

我们承诺遵循十大网赌软件推荐的使命,并尊重其政策和指导方针. 我们在任何活动和努力上服从十大网赌软件推荐管理部门的管理意见.



第一节: Eligibility for 成员hip


Section 2: Voting Member Criteria

A student becomes a voting member upon joining the club. 保留投票权, 会员必须积极参与社团活动,在学年期间出席/参与社团主办的会议/活动/活动至少5次.

Section 3: Removal of 成员

开除任何在俱乐部中信誉不佳的会员的程序如下:被质疑会员资格的学生将在会议议程上表决开除会员的会议前两周收到俱乐部秘书的电子邮件通知. If the student would like to remain in the club, 他/她可以通知扶轮社秘书,由秘书将此请求提交扶轮社职员考虑.

第一节: Officer Qualifications

学生必须具备以下资格才能成为一名官员:GPA至少为2.0, willingness to commit themselves to the duties of his or her position, and must have some knowledge and a love of the fine 艺术s. 所有官员必须是目前十大网赌软件推荐的学生,必须遵守十大网赌软件推荐的政策和程序. See Article IV for Election procedures.

Section 2: Elected 军官

The positions in the club are 总统, Vice-总统, 财务主管, and 秘书.

Section 3: Duties of 军官

Terms of office will be the academic year, beginning in fall semester, unless there is knowledge of only being able to serve one semester, in which case two people will be elected for that position, one to serve in the fall semester and one to serve the spring semester.

The Duties of officers are as follows:

总统: plan and lead activities at meetings with Vice-总统, 主持会议, 召开特别会议, primary contact with club members, 负责选举程序.

副总裁: plan and lead activities at meetings with 总统, assume 总统’s duties in his/her absence, schedule meeting/practice rooms/facilities, plans member/officer training 项目.

秘书: takes and distributes minutes of all club meetings, recorder keeper (current and past members, 文件分, 等), 俱乐部历史学家, notify members of meetings, handles the official correspondence of the club, 维护俱乐部网站.

财务主管: keeps all financial records, 每月向学生活动办公室提交审计报表(如果您收到十大网赌软件推荐资金,这是强制性要求), notifies organization of financial issues, prepares budget/allocation requests.

Section 4: Vacancy in Office

In the event a vacancy should occur (resignation or removal); provisions will be made to fill the vacancy. In the event that the 总统 leaves office, the 副总统 will assume those duties until a special election is held. See the special election section of Article IV.

Section 5: Removal of 军官

解除该官员职务的请愿书必须在与扶轮社顾问协商后提交给另一名官员. This petition must contain the signatures of 50% of voting members. When such petition is received, 主席(或副主席,如果学生主席有问题)应召开俱乐部会议,决定是否应将该官员撤职. 解职的理由将由主管官员在扶轮社例会或特别会议上提出. 应当向有关官员提供亲自提出辩护的机会 或者写下来. A quorum shall be present, and a simple majority vote of the voting members shall decide upon removal.

Section 6: Appeal of Removal of 军官:

To appeal the club’s decision, 被撤职的职员可在与所有扶轮社职员及扶轮社顾问协商后申请复职.

第一节: Nomination Process




选举程序如下:提名官员候选人将向扶轮社作简短演说,说明他们成为扶轮社官员的动机及意图, after all the candidates for a specific position speak, a vote by secret ballot shall be taken, the candidate with the most votes will become the officer for that position. This process will be repeated for each officer position. A quorum will be present at the elections meeting. A person may serve a maximum of two terms in a p艺术icular position.

Section 3: Special Elections

Within "4" weeks of vacancy occurring a new officer must be elected. 应遵循与第2节相同的程序,并酌情修改日期.


顾问的职责如下:向扶轮社官员解释机构政策/程序; provide continuity for the club from year to year, act as a resource to the group, attend 项目 that may have liability/risk for the institutions, intervene when knowledge of activity contrary to 十大网赌软件推荐 policy occur, attend some meetings/activities. 十大网赌软件推荐美术俱乐部将有多位代表建筑学科的顾问, 艺术, dance, 音乐 and theatre. 顾问 will share responsibilities in an equitable manner and will rotate the requirement to attend club meetings.



Section 2: Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called in order to accommodate specific activities, discuss certain club information, 如果需要的话. The process used to call these meetings will be by email.

Section 3: Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s Rules of Order will be the guide for meetings.


All present constitute a quorum.


Committees will be formed as necessary to plan and organize club activities/事件. A volunteer club member will become the committee chair.


第一节: Co-Funding Board

The club will apply for 十大网赌软件推荐 monies and if allocated resources, the club will follow all 十大网赌软件推荐 and institutional regulations.


军官 or members will not receive an honorarium/stipend from the organization.

第一节: Co-Funding Board

The club will apply for 十大网赌软件推荐 monies and if allocated resources, the club will follow all 十大网赌软件推荐 and institutional regulations.


军官 or members will not receive an honorarium/stipend from the organization.


关于提议的章程修改的程序:一份修改的请愿书将被提交给扶轮社官员,他们将把提议的修改加入议程. 宪法修改案将在举行投票表决的大会之前发送给会员. At a regularly scheduled meeting the vote on the amendment will take place. 出席会议的投票成员必须达到法定人数,并且出席会议的成员中有80%必须对修正案投赞成票. If the amendment is passed, 一旦学生活动办公室批准修订,更改将立即进行.

Section 2: Submittal to Office of Student 活动:


The 美术俱乐部 admits students without regard to their race, 宗教, color, 性, 年龄, 性取向, or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, 特权, 项目, 以及其他活动, generally accorded or made available to members of the organization.

美术俱乐部认为欺侮是一种有辱人格和破坏性的行为,不符合本学生组织的标准. 十大网赌软件推荐美术俱乐部承认每个人的尊严,反对一切形式的欺侮.